

Exchangestudents who wish to study at Nankai University Business School mustbe from an institute that has an active Student Exchange Agreementwith Nankai and:

Mustbe enrolled at least 2 semesters at home institute

Languageproficiency of either English or Chinese is highly recommended, butnot compulsory

ForCourses Taught in English

Ifexchange students from non-native English-speaking countries selectclasses taught in English, it is preferred that they have a TOEFLProficiency Level of 80(IBT) or IELTS of 6.0. A language certificateis not required.

ForCourses Taught in Chinese

Ifexchange students select classes taught in Chinese, they must take anHSK (Chinese Mandarin Test) test and the score must be above levelfive.


Youare advised to talk with your study aboard advisor or academicadvisor of your home institute before applying.


GetExchange information from home institute

Preparethe application materials ready


Nominatethe qualified students to NK Coordinator by email

Submitapplication materials online and by mail    


Reviewthe documents of the nominated students

Sendthe admission package


NominationLetter signed by home coordinator

NankaiUniversity Application Form

Certificateof Enrollment

Officialtranscripts of your academic achievement up to the present. Documentsin languages other than Chinese or English must be attached withnotarized translations in Chinese or English.

Lettersof Recommendation

Personalstatement in Chinese or English

2passport-size photos


Anadmission package will be sent to the exchange coordinator of ourpartner universities by early December for spring semester, earlyJune for fall semester. Package includes:

Letterof Acceptance

AnApplication Form for “Foreigners Wishing to Study in China”(JW202)

Stepsto be followed for the registration


Uponarrival at Nankai students must go to the Office for InternationalStudents’ Affairs, Nankai University to register.

Schoolof International Education of Nankai University
BalitaiCampus Address:
Room400, School of International Education (College of Chinese Languageand Culture) , 94
WeijinRoad, Tianjin, P. R. China.
Postalcode: 300071